Cremation and the Bible
Publishing With A Biblical Perspective
According to one source, HYPERLINK ""Cremation rates vary widely across the world with some countries like Japan, Nepal and Thailand having a rate over 95% while other countries like Italy, Ireland and Poland having less than 10%. Factors include culture and religion; for example, the cremation rate in Muslim, Eastern Orthodox, and Roman Catholic majority countries is much lower due to religious sanctions on cremation, whereas for Hindu or Buddhist majority countries the cremation rate is much higher.
However, the questions that are most important to you are how much do you know about the subject of cremation? What are the pros and the cons plus the origin and the original purpose of the practice of cremation?
This work is about providing a comprehensive biblical as well as some secular knowledge regarding the subject of cremation. It is about exegeting the origin and the original purpose of the practice of cremation down through biblical history. It is also about helping you to determine if this is a viable option for believers, especially, and also for humanity at large.